Do freelancing projects align with your expertise and aspirations?

August 1, 2023

Embarking on a freelance or consulting gig holds great potential for side income. It's an opportunity to engage in what you love and get paid for it. However, not all projects align with your expertise and aspirations.

If you're like me, you aspire to work on projects that deeply resonate with your interests and niche. But how do you identify these? It all comes down to getting to know the project and the people behind it.

The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Catalyst for Change

In December 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world. Almost overnight, remote work became the new norm. Companies that were once hesitant about remote work had no choice but to adapt. Even after the pandemic, remote work continues to be a viable option for many people.

The gig economy has existed for a while, but the pandemic has accelerated its growth. This shift has opened up new opportunities for freelancers, offering global prospects without geographical limitations. Additionally, emerging technologies like blockchain are poised to revolutionize the freelancing landscape, enhancing transparency and accessibility.

Prioritize People Over Projects

Behind every project, there are people. When you work on a project, you're collaborating with individuals, and this collaboration extends beyond the code. Choosing to align yourself with those who are on par or even ahead of your journey is a strategic move that fosters growth and development.

Ensuring a Smooth Path Forward

Side income refers to money earned from sources other than your main job or primary source of income. It's a great way to supplement your income, but it shouldn't deplete your time, focus, and energy. It's isn't solely about money, it's about growth, learning, and achieving rewarding outcomes. At the end of the day, you want to feel that your time was well spent.

Diving into a project without knowing what to expect can lead to frustration and disappointment.

Unlocking the 12 Key Questions

Before committing to a freelance project, there are ten fundamental questions you should pose to gain clarity and ensure a fruitful partnership:

  • Defining the Project's Purpose:

    1. What is the core objective of the project?
    2. Who are the intended users, and how will the project provide value to them?
  • Envisioning the Future:

    1. What is the long-term vision and mission of the project?
  • Mapping the Path:

    1. Can you outline the short-term goals and milestones for the project over the upcoming months?
  • Identifying Challenges:

    1. What are the primary challenges that the project faces, both from a technical and business perspective? Are there any urgent pain points requiring immediate attention?
  • Clarifying Your Role:

    1. What specific tasks and responsibilities are expected from you?
    2. How can your unique skills and expertise contribute to overcoming project challenges?
    3. What are the boundaries of your role? What falls outside its scope?
  • Timing and Availability:

    1. What level of availability and responsiveness is anticipated from you?
  • Technical Insights:

    1. What is the current tech stack being used in the project?
    2. Is there an architecture diagram available that illustrates the project's structure?
  • Communication and Collaboration:

    1. How does the project team typically communicate and collaborate?

A Past Experience

I once had an introductory call with a client. After talking for a while, I wanted to learn more about the project. While the other party was more concerned about the number of hours I could work and my potential contributions. I knew I needed to determine if the project was worth my time. Consequently, we agreed to provide answers to the questions I posed.

The humorous twist in this tale was that I never heard back from them and my time remained uninterrupted, and I learned a valuable lesson.

The right freelance project should be a win-win for both parties.

Until next time, keep grinding and hustling.
